TimeTrack v.1.100
by Octavian 'TBD' Chis
$5.00 unavailable
description Punchcard-like time tracking solution


TimeTrack can be accessed via Plugins menu or via toolbars (View | TimeTrack)


  • allows tracking of multiple projects
  • toolbar icons embedded in the script
  • tracking even if SketchUp is closed
Menu items:
  • Go - starts the timed session
  • Stop - stop (pause) the timed session
  • Total - display the time spent in the session
  • Setup - configure project name


see also other plugins by Octavian 'TBD' Chis:

notice By purchasing and installing this plugin, you indicate that you have read and agree to the terms and conditions of the End-User License Agreement (EULA). Prices subject to change.