Stereo v.1.000
by Octavian 'TBD' Chis
$8.00 unavailable
description Create left/right for anaglyph images

  1. position camera where you want to create the left/right images
  2. go to Plugins | [TBD] Stereo | Create pages
  3. a dialog is displayed that allows the enter the eye separation distance and the directory where the images are saved
  4. two new pages are created - for the left eye and right eye. also two images with _L and _R at the end of the filename are saved for each page

see also other plugins by Octavian 'TBD' Chis:

notice By purchasing and installing this plugin, you indicate that you have read and agree to the terms and conditions of the End-User License Agreement (EULA). Prices subject to change.